Curious Ones
September 28, 2020Be curious ones :: curiosity is what draws us into the presence of God. Longing to know that which we don’t understand can either bring us pure frustration or deep humility. In an effort to know God we can grow weary. I think one solution to this lies with the question, How do we posture our hearts toward God? With obligation or might? Or that of wonder and awe?
Moses, in the Bible, was drawn toward the burning bush out of a curiosity at something he did not understand nor think possible. There he was met by God. Only he first had to remove his sandals, for the Lord said he was on holy ground. I sometimes think what would’ve happened if Moses hadn’t removed his sandals. If he walked on by and just ignored this phenomenon all together?
If we long to hear the voice of God, we must first learn to posture our hearts toward humility. With a desire to know the heart of God. We must come with an open mind and act with obedient faith—God will meet us there. And we will be left in awe of who he is, all that he is and all that we do not yet know. For who can understand him? He is beyond all things. But those that seek him WILL be found by him. And their peace will be sure. Their joy abundant. And their hope secure.
Lately I’ve been thinking I should have more answers.. more knowledge as to defend my faith. And that’s good, I believe God wants that for us. But maybe more than us pursuing and wanting knowledge, God just wants us—our love, our affections, our obedience, our hearts inclined to his.
We do not have to understand him to know him. But we do have to seek him to truly find him. He is not far and in fact he is very near. My encouragement is that as we become curious ones, we would draw near to the heart of God and into the fullness of his presence. Emmanuel. God with us.